$0Bushnak's Indian Activities$0
$01992 Dar Al Taqniya (DAT) supported DuPont in their pre-commissioning activities of the new RO plant using STP secondary effluent as feed at the Madras Refinery Plant.$0
$01993 – 1995 Dar Al Taqniya, as process specialist, advised Hindustan Door Oliver on the startup and operation of Madras Petroleum Refinery Desalination Plant.$0
$01996 – 1999 DAT was appointed primary engineering consultant to BHEL for providing complete basic engineering, process design, erection & commissioning supervisory support for construction of several sea water and brackish water pants through out the Ramnad region in Tamil Nadu. The plants are located in the following areas :
$0Rameshwaram – 450 m³/d ( 300 m³/ 16 hrs) SWRO Plant$0
$0Pottagavayal – 450 m³/d ( 300 m³/ 16 hrs) HBRO Plant$0
$0Naripaiyur – 3875 m³/d capacity SWRO Plant$0
$0Panaikulam - – 450 m³/d ( 300 m³/ 16 hrs) HBRO Plant$0
$0Kusawankudi– 450 m³/d ( 300 m³/ 16 hrs) SWRO Plant$0
$02001 – DAT participated with Amiantit in conducting pre feasibility studies for three major pipeline projects.$0
$02003 – 2005 DAT – Water and Environment Services Company (WESCO) submitted proposals for the following:
$0Karnataka – 165 self contained skid units for fluoride removal and desalination. Pilot test successfully completed final review by government agency in progress. $0
$0Andhra Pradesh – 320 self contained skid units for fluoride removal and desalination. Pilot test successfully completed final review by government agency in progress.$0
$0Chattisgarh – New Raipur City submitted a proposal for 10,000 m3/day water treatment system using membrane filtration to treat highly contaminated river water for portable use.$0
$0Tamil Nadu – Chennai Special export zone (SEZ) conducted complete preliminary and feasibility studies and proposed Build Own Operate (BOO) project of 20,000 m3/day sea water RO. $0
$0Andhra Pradesh – Kagaznagar reviewed and prepared initial studies for recycling polluted effluent from paper industries.$0
$0Andhra Pradesh – Patencheru reviewed waste water treatment process and proposed recycling technology to maximize water reuse. $0
$0Maharashtra – submitted engineering consultancy proposals for execution of major sea water desalination projects to a leading infrastructure company of India.$0
$0Goa – Panjim prepared a detailed proposal for use of Panjim river water. Also provided to the same customer turn key consultancy proposal for the above project.$0
$0Kerala - supported BHEL by providing complete technical and engineering input to bid for the complex KMML 10,000 m3/day sea water plant.$0
$0Electrochlorination units- submitted a proposal for the complete electrochlorination system package for Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Assam, India.$0
$0Tata Steel : Pre-qualified and submitted a proposal for 35 MGD seawater desalination plant BOO project for Tata Steel in Tamil Nadu, India$0
$02005 (Tamil Nadu – Panaikulam) Provided complete engineering, process and procurement services as well as expert supervision for installation and commissioning of a 500m3/day SWRO Plant to South Ganga Water Technology Pvt. Ltd. to meet power plant requirement.$0
$02004 – 2005 : Bushnak Group opened an office in Mumbai, India under name of Bushnak-India which is not functioning now.$0
$02005 Joint venture (JV) MOU between Bushnak and Pallava completed.$0
$02005 – 2006 : Water & Environmental Services Co, a part of Bushnak Group of companies, along with PWT Wasser- und Abwassertechnik GmbH and Pacific Technical Services India (P) Ltd. bagged a prestigious order from Ambur Economic Development Organization Ltd, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (AEDOL) for detailed design, supply, erection and operation of a Pilot plant for treating and recycling of leather tannery effluent using state of the art technology MBR and RO.$0
$0Water & Environmental Services Co, a part of Bushnak Group of companies, along with PWT Wasser- und Abwassertechnik GmbH and Pacific Technical Services India (P) Ltd submitted a proposal for Central Leather Research Institute 600 m ³/d for treating and recycling of leather tannery effluent.$0
In brief text for India here